22 August 2013

Ottolenghi’s Dark Chocolate Mousse with Baileys & Mascarpone Cream - IHCC

This week is pot luck at I Heart Cooking Clubs with Ottolenghi & as we can cook whatever Ottolenghi concoction we like I let myself be led astray from all those gorgeous greens & vegetable delights by chocolate. Come on...who hasn’t been lured by chocolate?  

Even better this called for dark bitter chocolate & provided the perfect excuse for me to indulge in one of my favourites; Whittaker’s Dark Ghana with 72% cocoa.  Dark, rich, bittersweet. Even better this Ghanaian chocolate is now 100% Fairtrade Certified so you can feel good while you indulge. Not to mention all those antioxidants!!

This is a dessert for real dessert lovers, real chocolate lovers.  It is decadent & indulgent.  Melt in the mouth dark chocolate mousse topped with a generous dollop of a Baileys Mascarpone...sublime & dangerously addictive. You will think you can’t possibly manage another spoonful but somehow you do. I think there is maybe always just a little space in that other time that you save just for desserts.

Ottolenghi’s Dark Chocolate Mousse with Baileys & Mascarpone Cream

Serves six.


3 eggs
100g / 3.5oz caster sugar
300g / 10.5oz dark chocolate, broken into small pieces
500ml / 18fl oz cream
Cocoa nibs or powder, to finish (optional)

For the Baileys mascarpone cream
200g  / 7oz mascarpone
75ml / 3fl oz Baileys

*A bowl worth licking!

Place the eggs & sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer & whisk until light, pale & airy.  The longer you whisk, the better, at least 10 minutes. Set a timer & leave them to whisk away while you get on to the chocolate, cream & the hazelnuts.

Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl & place over a pan of just simmering water. Stir with a wooden spoon until the chocolate is melted.  With the mixer running on medium speed, add the melted chocolate to the egg mix in a steady stream. Please note it is important to combine the two gradually but continuously, with the chocolate going into the eggs & not the other way around.

Whisk the cream, or rather semi-whisk the cream until it firms up just a little, you are looking for the loose ribbon stage; so when you lift the whisk the cream dribbling off should create clear lines in the surface before disappearing. Gently fold the semi-whipped cream into the egg & chocolate until it is all combined.  The mousse can be poured in to one large bowl or into individual dishes. Place in the fridge & chill for at least an hour to set.

For the Baileys cream put all the ingredients in a bowl & whisk. The cheese will go loose and runny, but it should firm up again. Stop when it reaches a very soft peak consistency. Place in the fridge until you are ready to serve.

Serve the mousse with a generous dollop of Baileys cream on top. Dust with cocoa powder or cocoa nibs, if you wish.

What can I say?  Dark, bitter chocolate is always a winner for me.  Add to that the Baileys mascarpone for a little sweetness & the cocoa nibs for a little crunch & you have one of those desserts, that no matter how full you are you will always find a little space* until every morsel of mousse is gone.  If you are a true addict you may even lick the bowl.

*you know that other tummy you have just for desserts??

For more Ottolenghi inspiraton head over here to I Heart Cooking Clubs.

This is also my contribution to this month's Sweet New Zealand being hosted by Marnelli over at Sweets & Brains.

If you like this you might like this Baileys Chocolate Truffle Cake
Three years ago Island Time Part Deux



  1. Oh my goodness. Heaven! I don't know how I missed this when digging through YO's recipes.

    1. Yes it was definitely a little bit of heaven :) I found it on the app!

  2. Wow! This is delectable! Your photos are so wonderful, too!

    1. Thanks Susan, these certainly went down a treat & yes they were pretty delectable :)

  3. A fabulous dessert! No matter how full my tummy is, after all the potluck yummies I've been savouring, I would surely make room for this dessert! Simply irresistible!

    1. That's right always room for a little dessert ;) especially when it is chocolate!

  4. I'm always lured by chocolate! And Baileys. Yummm. Thanks for joining Sweet New Zealand this month :D

    1. Thanks...it's hard not to be right?? Look forward to the Sweet New Zealand round up :)

  5. I'd definitely find room for this luscious looking dessert! Beautiful!

    1. Thanks Zosia, it was a little luscious & I could always manage just one more spoonful :)

  6. Dark chocolate is my favorite and a go to treat anytime! This is magazine cover worthy!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Tina & thanks for the lovely comments :)

  7. I'm sooooooooo going to make this! Although I don't use alcohol, I suppose at least I can try the greatness cooking of Ottolenghi!


    1. You must Arfi! And a little whipped cream on top would be just the ticket too :) X

  8. How have I not stumbled on this one before. Looks divine, Mairi, and I could always make room for this - not a problem. In fact I could quite possibly even do a Lesley MacMichael and skip straight to dessert, and then worry about dinner later!!

    1. Hi Sue, I found it on the app :) Yes this one would be worth doing a Lesley MacMichael for! x

  9. Can’t go wrong with the exotic flavors here

    1. Thanks for stopping by, hope you enjoyed! x

  10. Yum, and no gelatin! Great entry for Sweet New Zealand Mairi, and I hope that you are having a great holiday, post pictures soon!


    1. Thanks Alessandra :) I had an amazing holiday :)

  11. I saw this one on the iPhone app but have been hesitant to make it because I am afraid I will like it way too much! ;-) It looks so rich and creamy.

    1. Hi Deb, yes you will like it way too much! And you will always have room for just one more spoonful ;)

  12. Don't forget 125g unsalted butter.
    While the eggs are whisking, put the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl and place over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir with a wooden spoon until they melt completely.

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